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Year 4

Our Teachers

  • 4J with Mrs K Johnson 
  • 4W with Mrs V Walsh 
  • 4C with Mrs L Charlson

Our Teaching Assistants:

  • Mrs S Moulton
  • Mr Pilkington
  • Mrs Rimmer
  • Mrs Stones
  • Mrs Goodwin

Contact Email:


Homework - Year 4

As well as home reading,  Year 4 homework consists of Times Tables practise and Spelling.

We ask all pupils to practise their Times Tables at home regularly using their Times Tables Rock Stars account. This can be accessed via or by downloading the free Times Tables Rock Stars app from the relevant app stores to your device.

Spellings (which are on the Homework Grid sheet, available to download from the link above) will be sent out in the first week of term and be tested every Friday – pupils need to learn and practise these at home and will also be given opportunities to learn these in school through handwriting and grammar activities. Please encourage your child to keep the spelling list somewhere safe and learn them every week. They are also assigned weekly on Spelling Shed for your child to practise at home. They will also get opportunities throughout the week to go onto Spelling Shed in school.  The Spelling Shed app is a paid app, but it can be accessed for free on all web browsers at: 

The additional homework grid activities are optional, and we encourage children to complete these as much as possible throughout the year. If they complete an activity, please send it through to the email or upload it to your child's Seesaw account. (Please note all Word and Powerpoint documents will need to be saved as a PDF to upload to Seesaw)

Reading & Library

Each child has a yellow reading record book. Accompanying this is their guided reading book.

In the record book, please write a message to confirm that your child has read and whether they enjoyed the book. We appreciate your support in encouraging lots of reading at home.

They must bring the guided reading book to school on the day of their guided reading session.   Children will continue to take free choice reading books and a book from the library during Year 4. They will have the opportunity to change their library book once a week.

This means that every child will always have a variety of reading books at one time. We love reading in Year 4!!

PE Kit 

Please ensure that your child’s PE kit is FULLY LABELLED with their FULL NAME, in a bag labelled with their FULL NAME and CLASS. Earrings should be removed or covered with surgical tape for all PE lessons.

4J and 4C have PE  on a Tuesday and Wednesday, 4W have PE on a Monday and Thursday.