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Year 2

Our Teachers

  • 2C with Miss K Corrigan
  • 2P with Miss K Price
  • 2W with Miss B Whitfield

Our Teaching Assistants:

Miss C Preston, Mrs L Cockroft, Mrs G McCafferty


Contact Email:



Your child’s reading books will be changed once a week following on from their Guided Reading session in school. This will be every Friday. 

Your child will take home 1 book a week to read together with an adult. This book will already have been read in school in 2 guided reading sessions, meaning your child should be 90% fluent when reading at home.  Please read with your child and remember that ‘little and often’ is a good approach to reading. If your child finishes reading the book we would ask you to read through them again together, talk about the book and ask them questions about the text they have read in more depth to encourage their comprehension skills. Once they have had their diary signed 3 times a week they will be awarded a 'We are Reading' ticket and entered into a half termly prize draw. 

It is really important that you read with and listen to your child read every day.  Research shows that children who read at home to an adult on a daily basis make more progress in school. We believe that quality reading is better than quantity and that a good 10 minutes of reading with your child is more effective than trying to make them read for 30 minutes after a long day at school!

Your child will also receive a library book intended to be used as a book to read for pleasure. This may mean you read the book to them at bedtime or they share it with an older sibling or family member. This will not be based on their phonics ability and is instead aimed at discussing a story. 


At Trinity Church of England/Methodist Primary School, we use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds systematic synthetic phonics programme (SSP).

This is a fully comprehensive programme where children start learning single letter sounds in the autumn term of their Reception year and it builds in progression throughout Reception and Year One. In Year 2 children are taught phonics based on their individual needs to ensure they become fluent and confident readers. 

PE Kit 

Please ensure that your child’s PE kit is FULLY LABELLED with their FULL NAME, in a bag labelled with their FULL NAME and CLASS. Earrings should be removed or covered with surgical tape for all PE lessons.




Year 2 PE days are currently as follows: 

2C- Monday and Wednesday 

2P- Wednesday and Friday 

2W- Monday and Friday