Online Learning and Safety

With ever advancing and rapidly changing technologies becoming more easily accessible to families and our pupils, it is essential that children are taught how to use these responsibly.
As teachers and parents we are responsible for the safety of our children as they use the internet for many different activities both in and out of school.
At Trinity all pupils are taught about how to stay safe in our ever developing world of technology. Our children learn about online dangers, the importance of logins and secure passwords to protect personal information and in KS2 about social networking skills.
We are dedicated at Trinity in preparing our children for the risks involved when using technology, by giving them strategies to use should they be faced with inappropriate material online, within school or at home. We work in partnership with the NSPCC across all Key Stages to deliver information to our pupils, about staying safe online.
Please use the suggested links to heighten awareness of Online Safety with your child at home.
If you would like any help or advice about keeping your child safe online, or would like to know more about our Online Safety Curriculum, please contact Mrs Doherty, our Computing and Online Safety Lead.
Useful Links
Some ideas for keeping your children safe Online
Good communication is key to keeping your children safe on the internet. Treat the internet as if it is your kitchen:
- You would make it as safe as possible by not leaving boiling pans and sharp knives lying around – do the same online! Reduce the dangers by using Parental controls and filters from your Broadband Provider.
- Supervise your children when they’re in there because you know there are dangers.
- Teach your children about what is safe and what isn’t.
- Trust your children to follow the guidance you have given them and have clear guidelines on what to do if things do go wrong.
Important points to remember
- Almost all communication devices can now access the internet including mobile phones and games consoles.
- Good communication between you and your children is crucial to keeping them safe. Don’t wait until something bad happens. Reassure your child that they can tell you anything and you won’t get angry with them, whatever they’ve done.
- Be curious and ask your children to talk about, or better still, show you, the services/apps/webpages they are using and why they love them. Starting the conversation is key, both to help ensure that children know how to stay safe and respect others online, but also so they turn to you if someone or something online is making them
feel uncomfortable.
Things to think about
- Supervise children’s time on the internet. Make this easy by placing the computer or device somewhere in the house where you can see what they are doing.
- Make sure your children feel confident about telling you if they have accessed something inappropriate by accident.
- Set parental locks on operating systems to minimise the risks.
- Ask your children about what they are using the computer/device for – find out as much as possible about what they do when they are on the device and make suggestions for more useful ways to spend their time.
- If you are concerned about what they are accessing then have a look at the internet history.
- Click here to install Hector the Protector on your computer.