Worship is a fundamental part of every day life at Trinity, and all staff and children are encouraged to worship in a variety of ways whether that's through words, prayer, dance, signing, or just their everyday actions. It is a child centred (and sometimes child led) time, based on the bible which has clear understanding that Jesus came to give us life in all its fullness. There is a rich and varied opportunity to praise and worship God and opportunity to respond to thoughts, knowledge and feelings in a variety of ways. Through time to pray and reflect, it encourages all to develop their spirituality and find peace.
Collective worship happens once a day at both sites and then individual opportunity to worship is encouraged throughout the day. At set times of the year the whole school get together to worship as a whole community. They are led by either members of staff or the local ministers (Rev Ian Sarginson, Rachel Harris, Deacon Ellen Monk Winstanley and Rev Helen Millward)
The worship lead, alongside the worship group work together using the children's views and opinions and the themes from the 4-year plan to provide an interesting and diverse worship plan. It offers a wide range of topics, covering important themes in the bible, Christian values, important religious times of year, current events and celebrating how the Jesus came so that we could have life in all its fullness, looking about what this means for us in every day life both in school and at home.
Monday and Tuesday’s worship are at 10.00am at Unity Place and 10.15am Brookwood Way.
Wednesday is worship praise based around worshipping God through music, song, movement and prayer.
Thursday is a class worship where children reflect on “Big Questions” about faith, learn about different Christian people, values and British values and have an opportunity to celebrate the children’s achievements outside of school.
Friday's worship is Celebration Assembly, where children are rewarded with either Star or the week, or Head teacher’s Award, which is led by the Head, Deputy or a member of the SLT. It is also an opportunity to celebrate other academic achievements within school alongside their parents.
At key points in the year, Christmas, Easter and end of the year the whole school enjoy collective worship at Brookwood way. Throughout the summer term each class has a celebration assembly that they plan, write and deliver to their parents to celebrate how they have lived life in all its fullness this year.